DK-German Medical Center
Kolula Pushta Main Road, Building 43
Kabul, Afghanistan
Serving you since Feb. 2005
As we always strive to deliver the latest diagnostic techniques to international standards and quality requirements, we are happy to introduce a new line of blood cells analysers from HUMAN Dignostics in Germany.
The new analyser series features the latest technology on the market.
Blood cell analyzers are used to diagnose and/or monitor illnesses of your immune system such as infections or inflammatory conditions, or blood cancers that effect our white blood cells, such as Leukaemia.
Those analysers help furthermore to diagnose parasitic infections and detect and differentiate Anaemia and coagulation disorders.
The HumaCount 5D is the newest blood cell analyser from HUMAN Diagnostic and is equipped with new 3D laser technology that counts and differentiate blood cells more precise than ordinary blood cell analysers from other manufacturers.
With the new 3D laser detection, the analyser can detect abnormal blood cells found in Leukaemia/blood cancer like Large Immature Cells (LIC) and of Atypical Lymphocytes (ALY). Those abnormal blood cells can usually only detected with special microscopic methods by specially trained technicians and haematologists.
Standard Complete blood count - 22 parameters
HumaCount 80TS
The 3-part systems, based on electrical impedance, differentiate and count three types of White blood cells and analyze red blood cells as well as platelets.
A CBC (complete blood count), also known as FBC (full blood count), is usually the first test requested by physicians to assess general patient health.
Differential Complete blood count - 29 parameters
HumaCount 5D
The HumaCount 5D can analyse 29 different blood cell parameters in less than 1 minute. The very fast and accurate measurement reduces the waiting time for the patients significantly.
The HumaCount 5D is the newest blood cell analyser from HUMAN Diagnostic and is equipped with new 3D laser technology that counts and differentiate blood cells more precise than ordinary blood cell analysers from other manufacturers.
With the new 3D laser detection, the analyser can detect abnormal blood cells found in Leukaemia/blood cancer like Large Immature Cells (LIC) and of Atypical Lymphocytes (ALY). Those abnormal blood cells can usually only detected with special microscopic methods by specially trained technicians and haematologists.
Automated Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
HumaSRate 24
The HumaSRate 24PT is a fully automated system for the reading of ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate).
The analyser has a very high accuracy as it scan the blood tube with a laser beam continuously for 20 min.
The test measures the rate of fall (sedimentation) of erythrocytes (red blood cells) in a sample of blood that has been placed into a tall, thin, vertical tube
It is used to detect the presence of inflammation caused by one or more conditions such as infections, tumors, Tuberculosis or autoimmune diseases. Furthermore, it helps diagnose and monitor specific conditions such as temporal arteritis, vasculitis or rheumatoid arthritis
The Analyser minimize human errors (no pipetting, mixing or visual reading by the lab. technician required.
Prothrombin time / INR
The prothrombin time (PT) is a test that helps evaluate your ability to appropriately form blood clots. The international normalized ratio or INR is a calculation based on results of a PT that is used to monitor individuals who are being treated with the blood-thinning medication (anticoagulant) warfarin (Coumadin®).
Blood grouping (A-B-O-D Rh)
HumaType reagents
We use exclusively HUMAN Diagnostics Blood group reagents. The reagents are monoclonal and meet the high European IVD quality standards,
HumaType reagents for ABO & Rhesus (D) typing are potent reagents with high antigen affinity.
For the Rhesus typing we use two different HumaType Anti-D (IgM) and (IgM+IgG) reagents to assure accurate typing of the Rhesus factor (Anti-D).
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase levels
G6PD deficiency is a genetic disorder that most often affects males. It happens when the body doesn't have enough of an enzyme called glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD). G6PD helps red blood cells work.
G6PD is also required to metabolize certain kind of medication and in particular anti-malaria medication
Before the administration of those medications a G6PD enzyme level is may requested by you physician.
We provide quantitative G6PD measurements.