DK-German Medical Center

Kolula Pushta Main Road, Building 43
Kabul, Afghanistan
Serving you since Feb. 2005
The DK - German Medical Diagnostic Center Ltd. believes that the quality of our services in itself is the best advertisement. When our valued customers leave our facility with reliable results, quality medical advice and genuine medication that will alleviate their illness, their recommendation of our facility to family, friends, co-workers and associates greatly affirms our presence as the prime private medical healthcare provider in Afghanistan.
On October 20th, 2017, we registered our 92,000th individual patient. We are very proud of this achievement. Since the inception of the DK - German Medical Diagnostic Center Ltd. we have served thousands of patients each year with about 80 % of our individual patients being Afghan nationals.
We are proud to count amongst our expatriate clientele the staff of the embassies of more than fifteen different nations and their associated development organisations, the local and international staff of more than half a dozen of the largest international contracting companies operating within Afghanistan, the staff of popular expatriate and local restaurants operating in Kabul and numerous GOs, NGOs, foundations and supranational organisations.
The DK - German Medical Diagnostic Center Ltd. is also proud, after many years of being unable to do so, to finally accept insurance cover as provided by various major coverage providers and is in negotiations with others to join their provider networks. For more information on these developments please visit our insurances page.