DK-German Medical Center

Kolula Pushta Main Road, Building 43
Kabul, Afghanistan
Serving you since Feb. 2005

We are offering the following Drugs of abuse screening:
Multi drug panel - 12 parameters
Multi drug panel - 10 parameters
Sample adulteration control
(pre-screening test of urine samples for tampering)
Supervised sample collection
(sample collected under the supervision of specially
trained staff)
We offering urine drug tests manufactured in Germany by Diagnostik Nord. Diagnostik Nord is the leading manufacturer of urine and salvia drug screening tests in Germany.
Besides our 12 and 10 parameter drug screening, we offer a sample adulteration control, a pre-screening test of the urine sample for tampering. This assures that the urine sample was not manipulated by dilution or adding chemicals in order to influence the test results.
We also offer supervised sample collection, where the urine sample is collected under the supervision of a special trained staff members.

Multi drug panel - 12 parameter configuration:
Amphetamine (AMP)
Barbiturates (BAR)
Benzodiazepines (BZO)
Buprenorphine (BUP)
Cocaine (COC)
Ecstasy (MDMA)
Marijuana / Cannabis (THC)
Methadone (MTD)
Methaqualon (MET)
Opiate / Morphine (MOR)
Phencyclidin (PCP)
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCA)
Multi drug panel - 10 parameter configuration:
Amphetamine (AMP)
Barbiturates (BAR)
Benzodiazepines (BZO)
Buprenorphine (BUP)
Cocaine (COC)
Marijuana / Cannabis (THC)
Methadone (MTD)
Opiate / Morphine (MOR)
Tramadol (TML)
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCA)