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Stool & Parasite


Parasitic infections, caused by intestinal helminths and protozoan parasites, are among the most prevalent infections in humans in developing countries.


Intestinal parasite infection is a condition in which a parasite infects the gastrointestinal tract. Such parasites can live anywhere in the body, but most prefer the intestinal wall.


Routes of exposure and infection include ingestion of undercooked meat, drinking infected water, faecal-oral transmission and skin absorption.

We are offering the following Stool tests:

  • Faecal Parasite direct technique

  • Faecal Parasite concentrating technique

Furthermore, the following stool tests for diarrhoeal pathogenic diseases are available:

  • Hepatitis A stool antigen

  • Clostridium Difficile Complete (Toxin A/B)

  • Helicobacter Pylori Stool (antigen assay)

  • Norovirus (antigen assay)

  • Occult blood test for haemoglobin & haemoglobin-haptoglobin complex (detection limit 20 ng/ml)

  • Rotavirus + Adenovirus (antigen assay)

Faecal direct examination technique
Faecal direct examination technique
Faecal concentration examination technique

There are two different microscopically examinations techniques of faeces available.


When using a Faecal parasites direct examination, a matchstick-size of a stool sample is examined in iodine and normal saline slide preparation under the microscope.


This direct examination technique detects parasites only if they have been present in high concentration in the sample.

Low parasites concentration in the sample will lead to a false-negative result. Furthermore certain hibernation (cyst) forms of parasites may not be detected. 

When using the Faecal parasite concentration technique, two been size amounts of a mixed stool sample are used for the test.


The stool sample will pass certain enrichment and preserving steps, to increase the parasite concentration. This includes the use of special filter tubes, several chemical solvents and preservatives and also centrifugation in the final enrichment step. 


The Faecal parasite concentration method detects parasites even in low sample concentration. Cysts forms of parasites are easily detected as they enrich in the tip of the centrifuged tubes.


Both examinations should be performed by special trained Lab. technicians and by examining carefully the slides under the microscope. Accurate and detailed examination of the microscope slide is essential with both methods.

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